30A – Final Reflection Submit Assignment

This semester in this class has been interesting and there were plenty assignments that were fun to do. Yet, there were also some assignments that were less exciting to do. I think the thing I’ll always remember learning in this class is that creating a business can only be planned so much, better to just get out and do it. My most joyous experience would have to be  putting my pitch together for the first time. That was the moment when I had to really think about how I wanted other people to view my product. This is the experience I am most proud of for accomplishing (my last pitch assignment), because I felt very comfortable in front of the camera and felt that I expressed myself well. 

Furthermore, I do not consider myself an entrepreneur yet because i have not actually created anything yet. however, I do consider myself on my way there. This class aided me in developing an entrepreneurial mindset. One recommendation that I would give future students is to really think out of the box and be creative. I think embracing ideas that are unconventional will allow you to foster an entrepreneurial mindset and succeed in this course. 

Image result for creative mind


  1. Great job explaining what you have learned over the semester in one final reflection! Great post!

  2. Hey Nathalie! It has been so interesting for me to follow your (and everyone else in our group's) progress over this semester. There have clearly been assignment we haven't wanted to do and some that we really got invested into. I see why you say you aren't exactly an entrepreneur yet because you haven't actually created a product. But this class was so helpful in letting us see what it takes. I agree with your last bit of advice about thinking way outside of the box.

  3. Hi Nathalie,
    I totally agree with a lot of points you make in this post. I also was most proud of my elevator pitches since those are what made me the most uncomfortable to create. Additionally, I totally understand where you are coming from when you say you don't feel like an entrepreneur yet since we haven't acutely started a business. Best of luck to you in the future!


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