6A – Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

1.    Consumer spending is steadily increasing
b.    This information suggests that retailers have the opportunity to gain large profits from this economic trend. Since consumers have not stopped buying things even with relatively low wage growth, it can be assumed that more retailers and small business owners have more chances of selling and staying in business.
c.    I believe that the prototypical customer for this opportunity is small business owners, large corporations, and/or any sized retailer.
d.    I think this opportunity is relatively easy to exploit because more business pop up every day and it seems as if retailers are already taking advantage of this trend. If there are buyers, I am sure that somehow someone is taking advantage and selling.
e.    I am a consumer myself and I can vouch that this trend is true. I think other people might see the same opportunity that I do because everyone is a consumer and we know how consumers think.

2.    Shifting Workforce Demographics
b.    This information suggests that new technology is going to be needed to keep up with the demands of consumers now that less people are in the workforce. Baby boomers are now retiring and half of the workforce is available, but the same if not more demand exists.
c.    I believe that the prototypical customer for this opportunity is businesses who are searching for new technology that will make their production more efficient.  
d.    It can be relatively easy for someone who has the knowledge to create such technology, however for someone who does not own theses skills, it may be harder. I think that it’s not impossible to exploit this opportunity, it just takes creative thinking and selling it to the right customers.
e.    I am going to graduate this year and will be entering the workforce and am interested in seeing what my job opportunities are. Thus, why I decided to choose this specific trend.

3.    Paid Leave laws
b.    This information suggests that private businesses now will be required to offer paid leave/sick days to employees that did not before have. Thus, more employees will take advantage of this benefit and will eventually call off work when needed without the fear of receiving less money or getting fired. This indicates that more temporary employees might be needed overall in private businesses in order to replace the workers who take time off.
c.    I believe that the prototypical customer for this opportunity are Temp agencies and temporary/seasonal employees
d.    I think that this is a relatively easy opportunity to exploit because businesses need workers in order to function and unemployment in this country is not zero. Thus, someone will always be out there looking for a job.
e.    I saw this opportunity because I have thought about working as a seasonal or temporary worker after I graduate until I find a steady job or get into graduate school.

4.    Sales tax on Ecommerce
b.     This information suggests that retailers located online will now have to start paying sales tax just like every other business. This indicates an opportunity for more brick-and-mortar companies to emerge and/or stay in business and expand.
c.    I believe that the prototypical customer for this opportunity are brick-and-mortar companies that are looking to expand their business and stay competitive.
d.    I don’t think that this is a relatively easy opportunity to exploit yet because this regulation is not set in stone and the details of what is to come are not clear.

e.    I saw this opportunity because it is interesting to me as a consumer who buys online and to learn that the things I’m buying online might get more expensive due to this new sales tax.  


  1. Good afternoon Nathalie,

    We choose the same regulation change: paid leave laws. It is so interesting how our own personal experiences led us to find different opportunities. I saw the opportunities for the health care industry because I work in a position where I don't get paid sick leave so I often neglect my health to go to work. I figured if more people had time off then then there would be an increased need for doctors and pharmacies.

  2. Hi Nathalie,

    I thought your third article was really interesting. I definitely agree that more people will take advantage of taking paid time off. This could cause huge issues for firms if they aren't careful and account for this time off when making hiring and staffing decisions. I also think this is a great opportunity for temporary workers to find many firms in need of help.


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