2A-Bug List

1.     When I put my headphones in my book bag, the headphone cables always get tangled with my pens.
-       Why: I do not wrap my headphones adequately and the pens move around constantly in my bag when I walk.

2.     JetBlue Airlines does not give out free headphones unlike Avianca Airlines.
-       Why: JetBlue is cheaper and doesn’t believe in spending money on free headphones.

3.     Disney Springs (formerly known as Downtown Disney), does not sell merchandise for Mulan or Pocahontas.

-       Why: Disney does not consider Mulan or Pocahontas to be ‘princesses’ so they do not sell their products.

4.     Kapha Alpha Theta, a Panhellic Sorority, did not get in trouble by UF when a leaked audio tape exhibited racist and hazing practices.
-       Why: The Panhellic and Interfraternity Council get less strict rules than the Multicultural and National-Panhellic Council because they are more favored by UF staff.

5.     Airlines advertise free Wi-Fi, yet it doesn’t work.
-       Why: Airlines know that advertising free Wi-Fi might get them more customers, yet they also know that people won’t complain as much if they don’t receive free Wi-Fi once they are onboard already.

6.     When people call my office asking for on-campus housing questions, when my office only deals with off-campus housing questions.
-       Why: For some reason, my offices number is listed on the on-campus housing website while the on-campus housing number is nowhere to be found on the website.

7.     When SAI doesn’t give organization’s keys for their lockers so we can only get things out during business hours of 8am-5pm when a staff member is there.
-       Why: I think they fear students will make copies of the keys so they only allow students staff members from SAI to hold the keys.

8.     Gainesville rented apartments typically make the leases end in the summer before finals are over.
-       Why: I think this is a strategic business tactic so that students will be more likely to resign their lease for the following year so that they are not homeless for 3 weeks.

9.     The NYC subway especially in Jackson Heights, are very dirty.
-       Why: This is a major subway station in Queens where thousands of people constantly are going in and out.

10.  The NYC subway trains are dramatically reduced on the weekends.
-       Why: Less people ride the subways on the weekends.

11.  The bus stop in Gainesville in front of University Club, does not have a roof or shelter for people waiting.
-       Why: Someone drove into the previous bus stop and destroyed the shelter that was there and the city failed to create another one.

12.  Finding parking at the University of FL in the Reitz garage, Little Hall, and Rawlings is very hard to find in the day and evenings.
-       Why: UF sells more parking decals than parking spots.

13.   The line to get into SAGA on a Friday night around 11pm is super long.
-       Why: People try to get in before 11:30pm for the free cover.

14.  Every time MGC organizations perform at Turlington for Fourth Fridays, the century tower bell overpowers our music.
-       Why: We are only allowed to perform at 12:35pm which is when classes are transitioning and the century tower bell is scheduled to ring.

15.  SG fought hard for free tampons and pads for female UF students yet it’s not very accessible.
-       Why: They only placed the free menstrual products in the UF Infirmary because it is a health product and that location would mean that less students would go in to just get the free products, thus reducing the UF cost for this new policy.

16.  There is a constant need for more paper towels in the women’s bathroom on the 2nd floor of Turlington.
-       Why: Turlington is one of the most populated buildings on the UF campus and the large flow of people cause it to run out of paper towels frequently.

17.  Many bikers on the UF campus do not use a bell to alert someone walking that they are approaching behind them.
-       Why: The importance of these safe biking practices are not known to most student bikers and the UF campus does not emphasize this enough.

18.  Not being able to use the YouTube app while going on other applications.
-       Why: The YouTube app was not made for that type of function.

19.  UF students need to pay for football tickets.
-       Why: UF realizes that UF students are willing to pay for football tickets and they like to make a profit because they know students won’t stop going to the games if the prices are reasonable.

20.  Walmart closes their Service Center early around 8pm.
-       Why: They reduce their staff later at night and consider the Service Center to not need too much attention and rather put their employees to better use.

21.  The automatic water filler in the Reitz in front of the P.O.D. is not working.
-       Why: Some mechanical error occurred and the UF staff has not noticed yet.

Reflection: This activity was definitely more difficult than I expected. I personally do not get mad over very little things that happen in my daily life, thus thinking about the nitty gritty things that make me mad was hard. Whenever I do get mad about small insignificant things, I tend to forget about it easily. Finding problems took some time, but I was able to realize that there are several things in my daily life that are bothersome. Furthermore, thinking of the reasons why these problems exist was not too difficult. Most of the reasons why these issues occur are for reasons out of my control. It made me understand why I never got too bothered by these issues, because I think I’ve always understood that they were issues that I could not solve (at that specific moment); Most of these problems have deeper rooted societal issues. Overall, I believe that this exercise was beneficial and a good starting point to get my entrepreneurial ideas flowing.


  1. Hi Nathalie!

    I completely agree with you that this assignment was much harder than I thought it would be. I also am not annoyed very easily, so it was hard to go through my day thinking about all the negative things that occurred. I like how you established that most of the reasons why your bugs existed were outside your control. It proves that we shouldn't let things outside our control bother us too much since there isn't really anything we can do about them.

  2. Hey Nathalie !

    When reading your reflection I found myself agreeing with many of the points you made about the assignment and comments about your "bugs". I too easily forget minuscule annoyances that occur during a normal day. While they can be irritating in the moment, as soon as the moment passes and I can get along with my day I am over it. And I agree that a lot of my "why it exists" explanations were things that I can't control. But identifying why it happens opened my eyes to some things I could potentially avoid.


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