14A – Halfway Reflection

Dear Future Student,

Now that you are enrolled in this course, let me tell you a few things that Ratemyprofessor didn’t tell you. First, you will work in this class, but you won’t die like you did in Financial Accounting or Business Finance. The intro lecture for this class details EXACTLY how this class will go, nothing will jump at you and take you by surprise. Depending on your attitude and how much you want to get out of this class, you will gain (or at least improve) a certain set of skills. To keep up with this class, you will get better at your time-management, prioritizing, and reflecting skills. No matter what grade you want to get in this class, you will get better at time-management. Additionally, you learn how to prioritize because the deadlines in this class make you do that. This class will make you do actual reflecting and connections to the real world which aids in your understanding of what entrepreneurship is.

There is always a point in the semester where student’s motivation gets low and they want to quit everything. I’ve been there several times in my college career. My Spring semester of my sophomore year was my most memorable because I really felt like quitting everything. I had spread myself too thin and was overwhelmed with work, school, campus organizations, and other commitments. However, thankfully I was able to get it together due to the positivity that my friends surrounded me with. Being around people that motivated me and supported me is what helped me pull through. I don’t think that this class has really given me tenacious skills, but watching the professors definitely motivated me to put effort into my assignments.

Furthermore, you will enjoy this class and be glad that you signed up for it. Three tips that I can give you to help you succeed are:
1.     Put effort into your assignments for YOU. You will feel accomplished and get a good grade.
2.     Dot skim the lectures, watch the whole thing. They’re entertaining and motivating.

3.     Make a routine for this class because there are a lot of deadlines to keep up with.

Image result for effort


  1. Hey Nathalie !
    I liked your comment about how this class connects you to the real world, real problems, and real solutions. I feel as though when we take classes in general, we take them to get a good grade rather than actually retain information from them. This class made me think outside of the box, I thought to myself once "Im only 20 how am I going to think of a viable invention?" But this class walked me through the steps of finding an unmet need in the market, and thinking of ways to provide customers with that need. Also great picture !


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