Assignment 16A – What’s Your Secret Sauce?

1Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique. 
a.     Passionate – I believe that when I get passionate about something I have the power to make others feel my same passion. If I truly am invested in something I can create an atmosphere of excitement.
b.     Adaptable – I am used to change and am confident that I can handle different situations that come my way pretty easily. I think that my flexibility allows me to adapt to difficult situations and handle them in the best manner.
c.     Independent – I’ve always been independent in regards to how I carry myself. I enjoy working in teams, but definitely prefer to work alone because I know I can get it done faster and my way.
d.     Respectable – I make my morals and standards clean which allows people to respect me. I treat those in the same way I wish to be treated which in turns generates more respect for my person from them.
e.     Determined – Just like passion, when I truly believe in something and feel strongly about it, I go out of my way to make it happen. I was taught to fight for what I want and never back down professionally and personally.

 2 For my interviews, I asked 5 people who are close to me to send me an audio clip with their responses to my interview questions because of time-conflicts I wasn’t able to conduct phone-to-phone interviews. I transferred their audio clips onto Soundcloud because I could not find a way to insert it on to blogger directly. Below each audio clip is linked to the Person below. I had them answer the following questions:
-      -  Describe me in 5 words.
-     -   Let’s say I was to create my own business. What about my character or experiences or really anything about me would lead you to believe that I would be successful?

3Reflecting on what I wrote in part 1 and on my family and friends responses to my questions left me in awe. It was very nice to hear what they thought about me. I had a clear vision of what my strengths were but some of them emphasized other traits that I hadn't associated with me - or at least not as my top 5 characteristics. I think that person 1's responses made me see other strengths that wouldn't have considered myself to have. Some of the ones she did mention could relate to my own responses such as enthusiastic and passion. The other interviews also left me feeling the same - I could see how some of their responses could relate to my own response, yet I was left thinking (in a good way) about the different traits they described me with and how I can use that in my business. 


  1. Hello Nathalie,
    I agree that it was amazing to hear all the nice things everyone had to say while doing this assignment. It was so interesting to see where our own self perceptions aligned or were different with what the people closest to us said. You seem like such a nice person and have a lot of the entrepreneurial qualities we discussed in class.

  2. Hi Nathalie,
    I really enjoyed how you asked each of your interviewees to describe you in 5 words. That probably made the interviews very easy to compare to each other as well as to what you said about yourself. I totally agree with you the hearing some characteristics about ourselves really opens up our thoughts to what makes us unique and knowing those things can help up use them even more.

  3. Hey Nathalie,
    First I wanted to point out I thought your use of SoundCloud voice recordings was extremely effective and creative. I also noticed that some of our personality traits aligned, like passion and determination, which are valuable traits as entrepreneurs. It seems like you have a really goos grasp on yourself and what makes you stand out. I am glad you got to have this opportunity to hear what your friends / family think about you, because it is refreshing and heartfelt.


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