
Showing posts from November, 2018

28A – Your Exit Strategy

I never saw this business venture as a business that I would pass down to my children or keep for decades.My exit strategy for this is to sell my business in 5-10 years to the highest bidder.  As a young entrepreneur I know I am bound to make mistakes and find greater competitors. Since this would be my first business venture, I intended this to be a great learning experience for myself where I can earn some profit or at least break even and be debt free. This exit strategy would hopefully allow me to recuperate the money I have invested and leave debt free.   I think knowing that this business venture was never going to last a lifetime helped me make decisions that would benefit me in the present. The opportunities and decisions I would take I did with only a 5-10 year plan in mind.  

27A – Reading Reflection No. 3

I chose to read a book from the second half of the reading list. Specifically, the book: How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams. The overall theme of this book was to live your life like a system. By doing this, you will find more success no matter how many times you fail. Adams uses his unfortunately funny life to give examples of how failure won’t stop you from eventually becoming successful.  This book helped me get more comfortable with the idea of failure. I feel that this class has already helped me understand that failure is part of the process to success. However this book reinforced that idea. Adams emphasizes for readers to get used to being uncomfortable and that people should take risks to become a better version of themselves. If I had to design an exercise for this class based on what I learned from this book, it would be to have an assignment where you would list 10 mediocre skills that you have and why each can still benefit you. Adam

26A – Celebrating Failure

This semester I hit a roadblock in one of my classes, Operations Management. It is one of my final classes for the business major. I think I have a case of Senioritis and have been slacking in studying. This class has had two exams so far and I did okay in the first exam. However, the second exam was much harder for me and did not do as well as expected. I was very disappointed in myself because I know I had earned that grade because I didn’t put enough effort into studying.  That experience served to teach me (or reinforce the idea) that all success comes from effort. Without trying and determination, success is hard to find. Failure is hard to be honest. Its very hard to not feel disappointed in one’s self especially if you know that you could’ve done otherwise. Failure forces one to reflect to think about what changes need to be made. When I fail, I am hard on myself. Depending on the importance of the matter, I may be down in the slumps for a few days and want to be alone. I am

25A – What’s Next?

Existing Market: 1.      I think the next step in my product/venture is to create an entire line of products that have the same goal as my original venture. My product line would come in smaller/bigger and cheaper/expensive dimensions. 2.      After interviewing three people that are in my market, I came to learn that (person a) believes that I should start a bigger social campaign for the issue and try to branch out to other businesses that are outside my target market (person b) believes that I should bring this product international and (person c) thought I should keep doing what I am doing and create the same product but in smaller version. After I told them of my idea of creating a bigger product line of similar products with the same goal, (person a) said that “oh that would be good. That way you can sell smaller devices to other people outside your market”, (person b) thought that my idea was great and that that is a different route than the one he would’ve taken but a pr

24A – Venture Concept No. 1

Opportunity : -         The culture of binge-drinking is becoming a popular description of college students especially during the Football season due to tailgates and Fraternity parties.  -         This binge drinking phenomenon is not only including college students. Research has shown that people ages 18-34 are also participating in this manner of drinking the most. -         I believe that young college students are in more of a desperate need for a solution because they are still relatively young at this point of their lives and do not have the experienced knowledge that other older people might have. -         While college students are the ones who are experiencing the need, they are not my potential customers. Organizations led by affluent people that care about the safety of students are my target market. Organizations that fit this description are universities and Interfraternity organizations. These organizations are funded mainly by parents who send their kids to co

23A – Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

Resource List: 1.       Human Capital- Design : I believe that my productive will be one-of-a-kind because I have yet to hear of anyone selling anything even somewhat similar.  -         Valuable: extremely, my product will have a better chance at selling since it is unique. -         Rare: yes, one-of-a-kind. -         Inimitable: yes, unless I get a patent. -         Non-substitutable: no other service or product provides what I am offering with my product.  2.       Human Capital- Creativity : The innovative manner in which I am instilling the information is unique for the moment.  -         Valuable: extremely, this makes my product stand out making it unique. -         Rare: yes, no one else has invented something like this. -         Inimitable: someone can copy or modify the design. -         Non-substitutable: no, unless someone comes up with a cheaper version than mines. 3.       Social Capital: I am regarded as a respectful and an easy to work with pers

22A – Elevator Pitch No. 3

1.  Link to my video  In my last pitch, I was told that my pitch was good and easy to understand. The only thing that I really needed to fix was the length. It was a tad bit too long last time. The one feedback I got that surprised me as that one peer stated that he could tell I had viewed other pitches i order to make mines good. I took the feedback I got and deleted some parts that I was told could be left out. Specifically, some parts from my opening and the statistic I had included. Since this is only my second pitch, I don’t have it completely memorized just yet. However, I am more comfortable in front of the camera. 

21A – Reading Reflection No. 2

I chose to read the book,  The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users.  I believe that the authors of this book emphasize the importance and effect that social media can have on your brand/company. They give tips on how to create powerful social media pages on all platforms. Their put much focus on explaining how social media is a tool that can benefit entrepreneurs immensely if used right. The also explain that social media can just businesses if not used correctly. Social media is an important if not one of the main areas that can build or destroy a brand/company. In ENT 3003 we practice being entrepreneurs by thinking creatively and identifying innovative solutions. Throughout this class we have done assignments that has helped students understand who our customers are and how we can shape our product to our target market. This book sends a similar message in that it teaches readers how to market themselves and/or company on social media. What companies post or share o

19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

1.       My name is Nathalie Perez and I am a senior dual majoring in Sociology and General Business Studies. My goals after I graduate are to work for a few years then go to graduate school to attain my Masters in School Counseling. I wish to work as a Guidance Counselor in a middle school in the future. I have a talent of making people feel comfortable with me and can easily make them see a new point of view. I have plenty experience participating in the nightlife of college students and am aware of what actually happens on college campuses and what appeals to students because I am one. Furthermore, I have a deep passion for helping people in every aspect and I love giving people the opportunity to grow on their own. If I were to start this business concept, I think it would definitely make me fill fulfilled. I think that aspect would play a big role in my life. I want to make an impact on people and change the way college students view drinking.  2.       I’m offering my customer