19A – Idea Napkin No. 2

1.      My name is Nathalie Perez and I am a senior dual majoring in Sociology and General Business Studies. My goals after I graduate are to work for a few years then go to graduate school to attain my Masters in School Counseling. I wish to work as a Guidance Counselor in a middle school in the future. I have a talent of making people feel comfortable with me and can easily make them see a new point of view. I have plenty experience participating in the nightlife of college students and am aware of what actually happens on college campuses and what appeals to students because I am one. Furthermore, I have a deep passion for helping people in every aspect and I love giving people the opportunity to grow on their own. If I were to start this business concept, I think it would definitely make me fill fulfilled. I think that aspect would play a big role in my life. I want to make an impact on people and change the way college students view drinking. 
2.      I’m offering my customers (businesses) the opportunity to create a safe drinking environment which would aid their public image by selling them a tool that allows their clients to not go over their limit. My product will possibly aid in the reduction of ER visits from clients with will be beneficial for businesses. My indirect customers (the alcohol drinkers) will be given the chance to maximize their partying experience in a safe way by having fun while playing the arcade game. 
3.      I am offering this product to two man groups: businesses and social organizations. The businesses will typically be bars, clubs, and universities around the college campus. The businesses I will target first are the ones that allow people 18+ to enter. The University will also be targeted due to their responsibility of needing to keep their students safe. I hope that Universities would buy this product to put in the lobbies of the dorm rooms. The main universities that will be targeted are the ones that are typical ‘college-towns’ and the ones with large Inter-fraternity Council’s. The social organizations I am targeting are IFC Fraternities, PC Sororities, and other organizations that tend to host large parties/tailgates. 
4.      The businesses and social organizations that I am targeting all have one thing in common: Drinking and underage drinking occurs on their premises. Whether they try to keep underage drinking absent, it always occurs no matter what, people find ways. Businesses such as bars/clubs can get in severe trouble if found providing drinks to underage people or if they weren’t vigilant enough and underage drinking occurs. Thus, a tool like my product would help reduce these types of incidents and make it easy for them to see potential problem clients and control the amount of alcohol they give them. Additionally, my product would aid their public image by letting the public believe that they are more socially responsible. Additionally, social organizations, primarily IFC Fraternities, are known for allowing underage drinking to occur openly. They aren notorious for promoting binge-drinking culture and most cases of ER visits due to binge-drinking comes from their parties/activities. If they wish to continue doing their org-specific activities, they must not get in trouble with their respective colleges. They can do this by creating a safer environment for underage drinking. My product would do just that. It is in the best interest of businesses and social organizations to create a safe drinking environment in order to refrain away from trouble with the law. 
5.      I think what sets me apart from other businesses is my connections to my local businesses and my own personal experiences as a college student. My main secret sauce would be if I acquire a patent for my product in order to receive less competitors. If I could be the only person selling an arcade machine of this type (or at least with my specific games) I think I would receive a greater advantage/profit.
6.      I think for the most part, all my elements work well together. I think my weakest point would be what sets me apart, my secret sauce. Without a patent, I would most likely find myself with many other copycat competitors who have more money and resources. I think my idea is unique and that the businesses/social institutions that I am targeting would be interested in purchasing my product. A possible weak point in my plan would be if students don’t actually start using the product and businesses stop buying them. 

Feedback Memo: I actually didn't receive any feedback on my first post, so I kept everything the same. 


  1. Hey Nathalie!
    I think acquiring a patent to protect your idea is a very important first step, I know you mentioned it as both your strength and you weakness. Another point I would add is that targeting the National Chapters of an organization would be really effective in making sure that people within the fraternity or sorority actually use the product. For instance, I am in a sorority and our national headquarters dictates a lot of what each chapter at every school is allowed or supposed to do. If they mandated we use your product, we would have no choice to or they take away things from us !


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