26A – Celebrating Failure

This semester I hit a roadblock in one of my classes, Operations Management. It is one of my final classes for the business major. I think I have a case of Senioritis and have been slacking in studying. This class has had two exams so far and I did okay in the first exam. However, the second exam was much harder for me and did not do as well as expected. I was very disappointed in myself because I know I had earned that grade because I didn’t put enough effort into studying. 

That experience served to teach me (or reinforce the idea) that all success comes from effort. Without trying and determination, success is hard to find. Failure is hard to be honest. Its very hard to not feel disappointed in one’s self especially if you know that you could’ve done otherwise. Failure forces one to reflect to think about what changes need to be made. When I fail, I am hard on myself. Depending on the importance of the matter, I may be down in the slumps for a few days and want to be alone. I am usually an enthusiastic and cheerful person so that attitude is very different for me. Furthermore, this class has aided me in realizing that failure is necessary to be successful. While I still think that success comes from hard work and determination, failure helps one learn and do better. I do believe that I am more willing to take a risk now than before taking this class. 


  1. Hi Nathalie,
    First of all, great post! I think we, as students, can all relate to your experience. I myself can think of many times that I have not studied enough for something and faced consequences because of it. The hardest part about it is not being able to blame anyone but yourself, just like you said above.


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